The Big At Large

My presentation on the history of medical thought

Published on: 08/07/2024

My presentation for the Brownstone Institute on the work of Harris Coulter

My presentation on the history of medical thought

Worth Your Weight In Gold

Published on: 06/06/2024

Morning Quick Takes! Just last week, I was talking with a client who has been working with me on her feelings of unlovability, feelings for which she believed she could find ample proof in her past experiences as a child, and in relationships.

Worth Your Weight In Gold

Recommended Resources

Published on: 06/06/2024

A Few Tools To Help You On Your Way. This post is a companion to my Intro to Homeopathy, Prepper Kit, and Grafting Tutorials.

Recommended Resources

Starve Fauci with Me!

Published on: 05/06/2024

Would you sell your integrity and participate in the murder and maiming of your friends and neighbors, for over $700 million dollars?

Starve Fauci with Me!


© 2024 Inner Sea Homeopathy

Sarah Thompson is not a medical doctor. Sarah Thompson does not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any particular symptom, disease, or condition, and nothing said in consultation should be interpreted as medical advice.