Starve Fauci with Me!
Starve Fauci with Me!
Morning Quick Takes!

Would you sell your integrity and participate in the murder and maiming of your friends and neighbors, for over $700 million dollars?
Me, neither. That's why you and I are here, and Fauci and his filthy ilk are slavering at the gates of Mordor-on-the-Potomac.
But here's the most alarming part: even the best doctors are vulnerable to the consequences of this malfeasance.
No matter how honest, and how well-meaning, your medical advisors are, they have to make their decision based on research, and medical research is some of the most untrustworthy there is. There may be times when you need a prescription or over the counter medication. But you know there are risks; that's why you are on this list.
How would you like to find out after five years of taking Vioxx for arthritis that Merck pulled it from the market for cardiac side effects? How would feel seeing the headlines two years later that Merck was forced to fork over nearly $5 billion for that little snafu?
And what if you knew they would do it again in a heartbeat, because it's just the cost of doing business in the pharma-medico-industrial complex?
You weren't born with a drug deficiency.
Shifting away from reliance on medications isn't easy, and it isn't always 100% possible, but it IS always worth exploring what the alternatives are, and, more importantly, how you got here in the first place.
I created my program of shamanic coaching to support you at every step of the way. Especially when we are struggling to wean ourselves off psychiatric medications, a constant companion is key. My job is to help you move into the growth and healing that wants to occur; the symptoms are information and we've been trained to suppress them, so that we can continue to function in lives that don't work for us.
So, for you, reader, I have a special offer, just this week of June 2-8, 2024: Book a free Embark on Healing call before the end of the week, and sign up for my six month program, you will receive an addition Bonus Gift: my Disease, Cure, and the Arc of Healing Course on finding your path to True Health.
Let's starve Fauci together.